CPU vs GPU — Difference between CPU and GPU

Mohith Kumar Kanuru
2 min readJan 15, 2021


Central Processing Unit (CPU)

CPU stands for the central processing unit. the CPU is one of the most important component within the computer system the CPU is also mentioned as a processor, central processor, or microprocessor. The central processing unit operates the computer‘s computing power (CPU). CPU is said to be the brain of the computer system

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

The GPU stands for graphics processing unit (GPU) is a specialized processor that is designed to make the rendering of three-dimensional images more efficient than the processor. It is a digital world. But actually, a graphics processor takes a very special workload and does it much more efficiently.

CPUs and GPUs are both made up of billions of transistors both got processing powers and both got memories, both have clock speeds and process thousands of operations per second But

What are the differences between a central processing unit(CPU) and a graphics processing unit(GPU)?


  • A CPU can have cores between 1 to 64 cores, And a standard CPU has cores clocked at 1 GHz to 5 GHz
  • A CPU is powerful because it contains multiple cores with large arithmetic logic units and control units that work on a large instruction it set to perform many ranges of operations of different types simultaneously.
  • CPU works at the lightning speed and performs millions of calculations per second in order to execute any program
  • CPUs are more versatile than GPUs and they have a greater set of instructions to execute a broader variety of activities that CPUs can organize and combine into virtual memory, which is necessary for running a modern operating system. It’s just something the GPU can’t do.


  • A GPU is a specialized type of microprocessor, it is optimized to display graphics and do very specific educational tasks
  • The GPU runs at a lower clock rate than the CPU but has more cores than the CPU.
  • GPU is a specialized processor that is programmed for a very particular purpose. Video rendering is all about basic mathematical operations over and over again.
  • GPUs capable of rendering the complex 3d graphics required by modern games


The sense of the content is that both the CPU and the GPU are separate devices and are similarly important. However, a good computer is designed for a number of programming operations.

